Students can login to email, webmail, network and even WebCt.
When students try to login to PeopleSoft and they are prompt with the following response after they have entered their credentials:
Your User ID and/or Password are invalid.
1. Advise the student to go to: -
2. They must delete all data entered in the "Enter your NDS username:" and then enter their username (Student Number).
3. Then they must click on the "Search" button to see what their "full context" is.

Student number LDWJUL001 was entered into the "Enter your NDS username:" field..
4. They will then be linked to a webpage with the following data.
Change your UCT network password:
Select your username and click on getpass to return to the password screen.
- JULIET LEDWABA--- LDWJUL001_Students_com_main_uct
- LDWJUL001_students_sci_main_uct
- LDWJUL001_students_health_med_uct
- LDWJUL001_Students_clarinus_med_uct
- LDWJUL001_students_rh_uct
a) Select the radio button next to the line where the students "full Name and Surname" appear and click on the "getpass" button.

JULIET LEDWABA --- LDWJUL001_Students_com_main_uct
b) After clicking on the "getpass" button the student will be returned to the password screen.
c) The "Enter your NDS username:" field will then have the following data entered into it:

d) Leave that field as is and proceed to enter values into the fields below it.
5. Enter the following:
a) In the "Enter your current password:" field,
- Enter current password that was used to login to the lab pc, WebCt or Email.
b) In the "Enter your new password:" field,
- Enter a new password, with minimum six characters and one that was not used previously.
c) In the "Repeat your new password:" field,
- Enter the same password that was entered in the field "Enter your new password:"
6. Change password
a) Click on the "change password" button at the bottom of the webpage.
b) If all steps have been completed correctly the student will be prompted with a webpage that the password was changed successfully.
c) This will now be their universal password for Lab pc login, Mail, WebCT and People Soft.
Please advise the student to wait and check to see that they do get the password successfully changed webpage.
7. If they are prompted that the password change was unsuccessful
a) They will have to go back to the password screen by means of clicking on the "Back Button" of their browser.
b) This will only happen if Step 4 as above is not completed properly and all the criterias are met for each field. |